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Brahms gewidmet
(Dedicated to Brahms)

Edition of the Works of Hermann Goetz and Bernhard Scholz

Here you can find the results of a research project funded by VolkswagenStiftung: »Brahms gewidmet« or »Dedicated to Brahms«. The focus here was placed on the almost one hundred compositions that were dedicated to Johannes Brahms during the course of his life.

The project takes concrete form in two editions: the digital edition of the Piano Quartet op. 6 by Hermann Goetz and that of the String Quintet op. 47 by Bernhard Scholz. Both works are contextualized with commentary. The project was completed by Andrea Hammes under the direction of Wolfgang Sandberger.

The project report is currently only available in German. For more information, please feel free to contact us:

T: +49 (0)451 – 1505-414

Project Report

Project Title:
Brahms gewidmet
(Dedicated to Brahms)

Edition of the Works of Hermann Goetz and Bernhard Scholz

Project Completion: 2015

Project Lead:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandberger

Project Team Members:
Andrea Hammes M. A.

Funded by:
VolkswagenStiftung | >>Info